Visual studio code python input
Visual studio code python input

If you’re not sure what a variable or an object is, don’t worry. Copy the three lines below and paste them into your REPL. You can copy and paste code into the REPL, even multiple lines of code at once. In the REPL, we can see the value of any variable just by entering it into the prompt. # If the line does not start with >, that means it is output, Don't copy the > symbols, that means the code was entered lines that don’t start with either of these are output that was produced by running input from the promptīy typing these line of code at the > prompt, and press enter after each line.In example code, lines starting with > means they are input

visual studio code python input

Later, when we run out Python code from files, you will no longer see the triple arrows. If you see these arrows in example code, don’t copy them into your own REPL. Note, in the REPL three arrows > indicate a line of input given at the prompt. The course content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Visual studio code python input